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Western Region Intergovernmental Personnel Assessment Council

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Member Interest Form

Please send us any question you may have about establishing WRIPAC membership. 

Becoming a Member

Agency Representatives

Your agency designates a primary representative to attend two consecutive WRIPAC meetings. The meeting dates and locations can be found on our Meetings and Trainings page. The meetings are free. Guests are always welcome. You must stay for the business meeting on Friday (for in person meetings) or the end of the day on Thursday (for virtual meetings) for your attendance to count towards establishing or maintaining membership. (Trainings and stand-alone round table sessions do not count towards membership.)

Additional Member Agency Representatives: All employees of a member agency must submit their own requests as a "Member Agency Representative" to access the member-only resources and discounts on training. 

*NOTE* You will not receive member access if you sign up with a personal email address. You must request access using an email domain associated with an active member agency. 

Submit a Membership Request

We will send you an invitation to request membership once you have attended two consecutive business meetings. (If you believe that you have attended two consecutive business meetings and do not receive an invitation, please contact the President-Elect.) Your agency then submits a request to WRIPAC identifying the designated representative and committee and agreeing to the WRIPAC principles outlined in our bylaws.


At the next regular business meeting, your request is accepted and voted on by the current membership.

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(C) 2024 WRIPAC
WRIPAC is a non-profit organization. 150 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA 94612

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